Last Updated 12/5/02

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Abandoned–The hands of men may be guided by fate. Adds +2 to Dexterity (none if max)

Creepy–Strength is bolstered by heavenly faith. Adds +2 to Strength (none if max)

Cryptic–Arcane power brings destruction. Fills mana ball and casts nova spell from player

Divine–Drink and be refreshed. Kicks out either 2 full rejuvenation potions or 1 full mana and 1 full healing, and fills mana and life balls

Eerie–Knowledge and wisdom at the cost of self. Adds 2 points to your magic (none if max)

Eldritch–Crimson and azure become as the sun. Health and mana potions become partial rejuvenation potions

Enchanted–Magic is not always what it seems to be. One spell down a level, all others up one

Fascinating–Intensity comes at the cost of wisdom. Gives you Firebolt +2, but you lose 1/10 of you max mana

Glimmering–Mysteries revealed in the light of reason. All items are identified

Gloomy–Those who defend seldom attack. Add +2 AC to all shields, helmets, armor, -1 to all weapons max damage

Hidden–New strength is forged through destruction. Adds 10 points to the max and current durability to all items, -10 to one

Holy–Wherever you go, there you are. Teleports you to a random location

Imposing–A surge of blood interrupts your thoughts. Dexterity is increased by +2 (none if max)

Magical–While the spirit is vigilant the body thrives. Casts mana shield on the player

Mysterious–Some are weakened as one grows strong. Adds 5 points to one random stat, takes 1 point from others

Ornate–Salvation comes at the cost of wisdom. Holy bolt level +2, lose 1/10 max mana

Quiet–The essence of life flows from within. Add +2 to Vitality (none if max)

Religious–Time cannot diminish the power of steel. Repairs all weapons

Sacred–Energy comes at the cost of wisdom. Charged bolt +2 levels, lose 1/10 max mana

Secluded–The way is cleared when viewed from above. Shows the entire map for the current level

Spiritual–Riches abound when least expected. Fills your inventory with gold (small piles of it)

Spooky–You: "Where avarice fails, patience gains reward." Others: "Blessed by a benevolent companion." Full rejuvenation potions for other players

Stone–The powers of Mana refocused renews. Recharges all staves

Tainted–You: Those who are last may yet be first. Others: Generosity brings its own rewards. All other players get +1 to +3 random stats, -1 to other.

Thaumaturgic–What once was opened now is closed. All chests on the level regenerate with new items

Weird–The sword of justice is swift and sharp. Adds +1 to all weapons max damage

Blood Fountain–Gives health, can be used repeatedly

Fountain of Tears–+1 to one attribute, -1 to another

Goat Shrine–Has a random effect, stay away from in my opinion

Cauldron–Has a random effect, stay away from in my opinion

Murky Pool–Gives Infravision for a short period of time

Purifying Spring–Gives mana, can be used repeatedly